I've been sick for a week. Heather and I made the mistake of eating at the only 5-Star restaurant in Varanasi (they even offered a BLT?!) and as a result Heather was sick for a few hours by the northern route while my body decided to take the slow, southern road. Never felt so weak for so long. So damn frustrating to build myself up to a high level of tabla practice only to have the muscle melt away in a matter of days because I couldn't digest anything. Heather's been amazing to me through all of this. She even wanted to stay home with me on New Year's Eve, which I find unbelievable. Phil whooped it up for both of us. I'm getting better now. No need to fret, Mom.
In an effort to spare you all, we haven't been posting most of the bad stuff. Here's a quick rundown:
- Giardia is a hilarious and awful parasite that makes the sufferer continually burp, fart, and shit stuff that stinks like rotten eggs. Times I have had a bout of Giardia in the past 5 months: 4. Heather wins with 6 bouts. We finally found the right antibiotic.
- Heather and Phil have been repeatedly and savagely attacked by the cat we lovingly feed; no rabies, though I suddenly feel justified in my feline indifference.
- I ate what I thought was an Indian sweet, but was really a ball of Bhang. I thought I was dying, terrible puking, 8 hours of believing in death, seeing skulls, etc.
- Heather has gracefully survived 3 sinus infections and at least 5 serious dances with the deadly treenut.
- Every American who has visited us has been nailed by a nasty stomach bug by their 3rd day, except for Phil, who (perhaps because of previous India visit) is impervious to all the bugs here!